Upcoming webinars for aspiring registrars
If you are interested in joining the EURid accredited registrar community, the following webinars might be of interest to you. These webinars serve to provide you with an overview of how to become an accredited registrar including information on the application process and fees. Detailed information on each webinar can be seen below.
Date: 28 June 2016, 11:00 AM CEST
Language: Spanish
Room name: Registrador .eu
Room URL: https://euregistry.clickwebinar.com/registrador-eu
Registration URL: https://euregistry.clickwebinar.com/registrador-eu/register
Date: 29 September 2016, 03:00 PM CEST
Language: English
Room name: Accredited Registrars
Room URL: https://euregistry.clickwebinar.com/eu-accredited-registrars
Registration URL: https://euregistry.clickwebinar.com/eu-accredited-registrars/register
In order to attend a webinar you will first need to register by following the registration URL associated with your desired webinar. When registering, you will need to provide your full name and email address. You can register at any time even if the webinar has already started.
Each webinar will last anywhere from 30 – 45 minutes. You will receive a confirmation email with login information after having completed your registration.
Technical requirements for attending webinars are as follows:
Technical requirements:
- 1.4GHz Intel® Pentium® 4 or faster processor (or equivalent) for Microsoft® Windows® XP or Windows 7
- 2GHz Pentium 4 or faster processor (or equivalent) for Windows Vista® Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8 (32-bit/64-bit editions with 32-bit browser)
- 512MB of RAM (1GB recommended) for Windows XP or Windows 7; 1GB of RAM (2GB recommended) for Windows Vista or Windows 8
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 or higher (32 bit only); Mozilla Firefox 3 or higher; Google Chrome
- Adobe® Flash® Player 11.3). Ports 1935, 443 and 80 need to be open.
Mac users:
- 1.83GHz Intel CoreTM Duo or faster processor
- Mac OS X v10.4, 10.5, 10.6 (Intel) or higher
- 512MB of RAM (1GB recommended)
- Mozilla Firefox 3 or higher; Apple Safari 4 or 5; Google Chrome
- Adobe Flash Player 11.3.